A valid international passport (the validity of the passport has to exceed the end of the proposed trip by at least 3 months) + copy of the used pages of the passport + 1 copy of national ID card + copy of the used pages of your previous passport (if you have one).
Proof of employment and proof of leave.
A sponsorship form (annex 3 bis) from Belgium: recommended.
Copy of the ID card of a sponsor.
Proof of solvency of sponsor (sponsor must prove minimum revenues per month of 1.000 € in- creased by 150 € per person under his charge and 200 € per person invited. If the sponsor is a family member of the applicant basis is 800 € plus 150 € per person under his charge and per person invited). Therefore we need the Family Composition of the sponsor and also the last Income Tax Papers of the sponsor.
If applicable, proof of family ties (copies of birth and marriage certificates, etc.), or a letter of invitation with a detailed description of the ties between the host and the invited person.